Mistrust is the reality in our country. That is what the results of the Edelman Barometer 2018 show. Poland is ranked sixth from the bottom among the 28 countries. In today’s article I will show you the underlying reasons and also the ways to change the approach of Poles.

The reasons for distrust in Poland

As for the psychological reasons for such a low level for trust we should mention materialism and experiences Poland has had as a country.

Materialism can be understood as a focus on profit which is especially visible among Poles in comparison to other European countries. This is linked to the short history of capitalism in Poland which was introduced here only in the nineties. Until then we were a very inefficient economy. What is more, Communism was a system which tried to induce mistrust in people on purpose. In the world of universal lies trust seems to be redundant.

Ways to increase trust

Increasing trust in a society is not easy due to the complexity of actions which need to be undertaken. Yet it is possible!
Every change begins with small steps which lead towards the goal. The easiest way is to start with yourself and your closest environment.

Below you will find three questions which can help you to discover the truth about trust in your closest relationships.

  1. Think about who you trust and why.
    Trusting people is often an action which we don’t see directly. Once you realize who you really trust, you will be able to find the reasons for the lack of trust to others.
  2. What would have to happen so that you could trust the other person?
    Answering this unconventional question will enable you to find palpable proof which you need to undertake the path towards trust.
  3. What will you gain and what will you lose if you trust someone?
    Profits and losses are a predominant topic in the business context of trust. It is equally present in personal relationships. Think about what are the advantages and disadvantages of trusting someone.