Every time we introduce a new change in our life we focus on a thorough understanding what we want to achieve and answering the question why it is important to us and what steps we should take to be closer to a desired goal. Mentality is not everything. Emotions are equally important but we often forget about them or we do not treat them as seriously. This is a big mistake! As prof. Rafał Ohme emphasizes in his book “Emo Sapiens. Harmonia emocji I rozumu” [Emo Sapiens. Harmony of the emotions and of the mind] our body does not like changes.

Every investment in a new activity is linked to bigger energetic expenses on strategic thinking and planning. What is more, our intellect is directly linked to structures which are responsible for overseeing the production of energy. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of chemical energy coming from hormones as well as electric energy coming from the nervous system. It is linked to the limbic system which governs emotions. Areas of the brain which are responsible for logical thinking do not have a direct link with the pituitary gland. In consequence, if we take on a new resolution without engaging emotions, we will not have enough energy to carry it to the end.

You might give up a new activity which was supposed be a regular engagement such as biking or running already after two days and come back to the starting point. Emotional engagement is vital to implementing every significant change in our life.

Prof. Ohme talks about an emotion which is the best motivator for change and, surprisingly, this emotion is …jealousy. There is nothing more motivating at the gym than the sight of other people who managed to lose weight and shape their muscles. This is how you can quit smoking quickly. It should be also noted that our emotions need to be synchronized with the mind and the whole mechanism should function in the following way: “emotions will show what to change and the mind will show you how to do it”.

In order to change something it is necessary to understand the phrase “Rome was not built in one day”. Micro changes, i.e. introducing small stages of change are the key to success because our body has the time to adapt to new challenges.

During my training “The Art of Winning” I talk about the so called “closing of the loop” as of behaviors which can help us to get rid of negative emotions which we have in the long term. Closing the loop is nothing else than finalizing unfinished things from the past. You might have had an argument with someone important to you and you have not made up until today. You might have not paid some kind of important debts and until now you have felt remorse.

When you decide to take the courageous step in order to amend some wrongs from the past you will feel relief which is linked to the feeling of honesty towards the person or that situation from the past.