Courage is not just a trait of all super heroes but also of average people. Every person in this world has not done something courageous. Some people dare to do courageous things every day. From the point of view of psychology, courage is closely linked to fear and overcoming it. Overcoming fear happens when despite being ill or feeling poorly you decide to go to training and stick to your own resolutions.

Courage is a choice between fighting and running away. At the same time it should not be understood as undertaking risky behaviors or harmful to our health. Courage is not the measure of mindlessness. It is a balance between what you can lose and gain once you take up an activity.

It is not uncommon to be so paralyzed by fear that we are not able to do a very important task, for example to have a serious conversation with your loved ones or employees.  Below you will find four important principles. If you follow them, you will be able to face your fears.

Don’t over analyze, act.

Many people have the tendency to overthink things which require taking quick action instead of weighing profits and losses for too long. What is more, in situations in which we feel paralyzed, thinking about them even more might increase the fear and prevent us from taking action.

Focus on what you want to do.

Ove thinking can take away our courage. On the other hand, directing your thoughts on the moment of taking action can take you closer to it.


Use the opportunity when you have a scary challenge ahead. The possible option of reducing fear is to practice certain behaviors which you want to improve. For example, if you are going to a job interview it is worth to to prepare responses to questions which could be asked by the interviewer.

Think about the profits

Thinking about the reward (material or not) which you could get as an effect of taking action is a powerful motivator. Don’t forget that relief coming from dealing with a stressful situation can also be positive.